
Firelane 4 was not part of the original route 

We were suppose to run 18 miles this Saturday, but Susan's son got sick and she couldn't run until Sunday. Since I had already planned on running on Saturday, I decided to do a short run and run 18 with Susan on Sunday. Somehow my 4-5 mile run turned into 8 miles and I legs still felt like they were recovering from the 23 miles the previous Sunday. I knew Sunday was going to suck.

Neither of us ended up sleeping well Saturday night and at the very last minute I rerouted the run to cut off 3 miles. Shaving off 3 miles off a loop is harder to do than you would expect, especially when you haven't had a lot of sleep. But as most things do, it worked out just fine and at the end of the run I don't think either of us regretted cutting the run short.

Original Route:
dogwood - wildwood .66
ww (8.5 - 13.5) maple 5
maple - leif 3.66
leif - saltzman .23
saltzman - ww .5
ww (16 - 7.90) wild cherry 8.1
wild cherry - out .31
total 18.46

New Route:
dogwood - ww .66
ww  (8 - 14) 6 
ww - maple (14-13.5) .5
maple - fl 4 1.31
fl5 - leif .21
leif - nature (5.20 - 3.40) 1.8
nature - ww .28
ww - birch 4.5
birch - 53rd .22 

total 14.98 - we can add on


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