
Showing posts from April, 2015

Last taper before Miwok

At the trailhead - which sums up how I feel about tapering For our last taper run before the Miwok100k we had planned on running Larch Mountain . I had been exhausted all week, so being overly paranoid about getting sick and over doing it the week before our longest and possibly hardest run to date, I decided to stick to Forest Park for our taper run.  I pulled out my Forest Park map and cobbled together a ~14 mile route, with a few hills to make it tough but not enough to over do it.  my back of the napkin route Overall the run felt great to me and it was over way too fast. That is one of the problems with tapering, the short distances feel great and you want to keep going, but if you are smart you don't. We were smart this time, I can't say that for all our "tapers". Since Miwok has what we consider a pretty aggressive cutoff time, we are trying to play it pretty smart during our taper, not that it is always easy.  rerouted alder trail my las

Just teleport from Firelane 1 to Firelane 3

I tend to create routes late on Friday night before our long run Saturday morning. So it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that I messed one up. I wanted to put some good climbs in, but not make Sally have to do them during her 14 miles with us, since she hadn't run in a while. So we started at Saltzman, down Firelane 5, along Maple, up Firelane 3, then out on Wildwood where Sally turned around. Ann and I continued up to Pittock where we had our break, and turned around. Ann's husband, John, had told us that something crazy had happened to the Alder trailhead on Wildwood, so I made sure to take that down to Leif. Gorgeous spring weather Indeed, the top of the trail had been utterly altered. Large branches stuck jaggedly vertical, making it impassable. A tenth or two of a mile down Wildwood, there are now two new, beautifully graded trailheads that although unmarked, meet up with Alder. It's quite extensive, well-done work. When we got to Firelane 1, I had a

Another 30 in Forest Park

According to our Miwok training plan Susan and I needed 35 miles for the weekend. Susan had early afternoon commitments, so we decided on 30 miles on Saturday starting earlier than normal. I figured I could add on miles on Sunday. I picked a route that wasn't too hilly so we could run quicker and Susan could get home. As a result we didn't take any pictures, but I did want to document our route. But here is a link to my Strava results.  Route:  birch - ww : .22 ww - maple : 5.25 maple - leif : 3.55 (9.02 total) leif - waterline (mm 10.2) : 3.8 waterline - ww : .35 ww - birch : 16.5 birch - 53rd .22 total : 29.89