Up and down and up and down 20 miler

Wild Iris on Wildwood

Last week Susan and I started the 5 week "Mountain Goat Hill Running Series" taught by Yassine Diboun and Willie McBride of Animal Athletics. The first class focused on uphill running, which I was really looking forward to, not so sure about Susan. We talked about and practiced: 
  • the pelvis bowl concept
  • trying to keep your body as straight as possible 
  • pumping your arms but not so much you are crossing your body 
  • looking uphill but only about 3 feet or so ahead 
  • my favorite, running a zig zag line instead of a straight line to help take some of the steepness out of a hill
New "NO BIKES" sign

So for our long run I wanted to make sure we got enough hills in, so we could practice our new skills. Susan accused me of trying to do extra credit work. 

John dropped us off at the Saltzman trailhead, we ran down to Wildwood and zigzagged between Leif and Wildwood a few times, until we ended up on Maple and back up to Wildwood. We then ran Wildwood all the way to Holman for the grand finale. After running 19+ miles we had to run up an unforgiving Holman to 53rd to finish. This is the first time I have ran up Holman without stopping to walk parts of it. The zig zag technique really helped, luckily Holman in wide enough to do this. I am not sure how well this would work on a narrow single track, I guess that is a question for this week's class. 

It's running skirt weather!

You are here: next to a giant spider

Ann in bright colors and cute outfit on Maple

saltzman - ww : 1.12
ww - ridge (mm 16-20.8) : 4.8
ridge - leif : .34
leif - FL7A : .46
FL7A - ww : .25
ww - wiregate (mm 20-18.2) : 1.8
wiregate - leif : .31
leif - maple : .68
maple - ww : 3.55
ww - keil (mm 12.75-9.20) : 3.55
keil - wild cherry : .17
wild cherry - ww : .31
ww - holman (mm 7.89-5.90) : 1.99
holman - 53rd : .76
total 20.09


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