National Trails Day

After a few weeks of being away, I was happy to be back running in Forest Park on trails I knew I wasn't going to get turned around on. 

Dana emailed Susan and me letting us know that she signed up for the Portland Marathon and wanted to start her training this weekend. YAY! Susan and I are ramping up for our Epic Lady Mountain Run in August (circumnavigating Mt. Hood), so we appreciate the extra company on our long runs. Plus, I have missed running with Dana, she always has great stories to tell. I added a quick 6 mile out and back on our route for her.

As I was heading up the hills on Wildwood between mile markers 13 - 11, I passed a guy who told me he felt like he knew me and Susan, because he had been listening to us chat for the last few miles. He also informed me that it was National Trail Day. I am not sure how I didn't know that, but shortly after I passed him I saw a sign posted on a tree about it. 

I tried to capture (unsuccessfully) pictures of Susan running, because most of our running pictures are actually of us taking breaks. Believe it or not I actually needed a picture of someone running for a presentation at work, which had absolutely nothing to do with running. 

Susan's Action Shots

Route - 
Springville - Wildwood: .33
WW 22.5 - 26 : 3.30 (Dana turn around at 25.25)
WW 26 - 25.35 fl10/newton: .65
Fl10 - Germantown 1.26
GT - Leif - fl7A 3.25 (mm 8 on Leif)
Fl7a - WW : .25
WW (20-7.45) Birch : 12.55
Birch - 53rd: .22
Total 22.01


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