Another 30 in Forest Park

According to our Miwok training plan Susan and I needed 35 miles for the weekend. Susan had early afternoon commitments, so we decided on 30 miles on Saturday starting earlier than normal. I figured I could add on miles on Sunday. I picked a route that wasn't too hilly so we could run quicker and Susan could get home. As a result we didn't take any pictures, but I did want to document our route. But here is a link to my Strava results. 

birch - ww : .22
ww - maple : 5.25
maple - leif : 3.55 (9.02 total)
leif - waterline (mm 10.2) : 3.8
waterline - ww : .35
ww - birch : 16.5
birch - 53rd .22
total : 29.89


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