May Adventure Run: Oregon Coast

What do you do when you have a day off of work to go on a long run and all the trails you want to run on are covered in snow and you don't want to run on the same old trails close to the house you run on every weekend? You head to the coast! Which is exactly what we did. 

The forecast called for rain, but it didn't rain until we got back to the car. We were blessed with sun, blue skies and amazing view of the coast line throughout our whole run. Cedar even got a little beach time.

We had planned on running ~25 miles, but had to cut it a little short because of evening commitments. The Oregon Coast trail doesn't have as much elevation gain as some of the trails in the Gorge or Mt. Hood, but I it has tons of tree roots and slick rocks, which can make it hard to run on at times. I think we ended up running around 20 miles. It was still a fantastic day and left me excited for all our adventure runs this summer. 


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