NW 53rd Nasty (or how to cure a hangover)

Susan and I ran 2 20+ mile runs this week, so we decided to do a shorter run on Saturday. I planned a 12 mile route that hit all the trailheads on NW 53rd, my original plan was for us to run the route faster than our normal pace, but that was until I went out on Friday night. I never go out on Friday nights because we are normally running some crazy distance in the morning, but knowing we were only running 12 miles I wasn't worried about having a few drinks. Well it is easy to lose track of how many pints you have had when you are hanging out with friends with a kegerator and they keep refilling your glass. Well needless to say I was feeling less than awesome in the morning, so there was no speed workout in our future. But running for several hours and sweating out all the toxins from the night before, might be the best hair of the dog I have found yet. 

The route:
holman - wildwood - aspen - road - leif - wild cherry - dogwood - wildwood - alder - leif - fire lane 1 - morak - ww - birch = ~12


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