A Leif-less route

In a very unusual situation for us, we both made routes for this run. Usually when it's my turn, I create one around 11pm on Friday night before the run. So I was proud to create and send this on Friday afternoon. 

Fiery sunrise

But right after I sent it, I saw that Ann had just emailed me a route. Two for the price of one! We decided to use my route this time, and modify Ann's for next week's 30 miler.

The sun peeking up to start to illuminate the trail

This route has the distinction of never touching Leif Erikson, which is a nice change to avoid the rocky gravel and crowds. We started at 6am to get some time in the dark, using our headlamps. We were treated to an amazing, fiery sunrise, none of the expected rain, and a great run.

Ann in the shelter on FL 5

Start at Wild Cherry/Dogwood trailhead 

Dogwood to WW (8.47)-- .22 mi
WW(8.47) to Morak (ww 10.65)-- 2.18 mi
Morak (ww 10.65) to FL1-- .08 mi
FL1 to WW (11.18)-- .33 mi
WW (11.18) to Trillium (ww 18.57)-- 7.39 mi
Trillium (ww 18.57) to FL 7-- .25 mi
FL7 to Gas Line to WW (19.96)-- .8 mi (11.25 total)
WW (19.96) to FL 5 (ww 16.69)-- 3.27 mi (14.52 total) *** nice break point here
FL5 (ww 16.69) to Saltzman-- .87 mi (15.39 total)
Saltzman to WW (16.01)-- 1.12 mi (16.51 total)
WW (16.01) to Wild Cherry (ww 7.88)-- 8.13 mi (24.64 total)
Wild Cherry to trailhead-- .32 mi (24.96 total)


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