Not listening to good advice

We started just before dawn and got to watch the sun rise

Sometimes you listen to the advice your coach gives you, sometimes you don't. This weekend was one of the times I didn't. Not that I think I know more than Ann Trason, but the weather was perfect and my husband and Susan's husband and son were all out of town, so we didn't have to be home by a certain time, which made it really hard not to run far. Ann Trason suggested that I run ~12 miles, since we are running Peterson Ridge 40 miler next weekend, but instead we ran 30 miles. Luckily I am feeling great the day after the run, now I just need to make sure I take it easy this week, so I don't over do. 

Throwing away trash that was left on the trail 

Portland from the Pittock Mansion 
I did feel really guilty when Ann sent me an email asking me how far I ran and I had to admit I ran ~30 miles. I am the worst client ever (not really, but I feel like it).

We modified this route a little while we were running because firelane 7a from Leif seems to be missing. 

53/ww - pittock : 5
pittock - apsen : 2.18
aspen - road : .23
road - thurman / lief : .50
leif - dogwood : .85
dogwood - wildwood: .34
ww - alder : .93
alder - leif : .84
leif - maple : 2.41
maple - leif : 2.73 (16.01)
leif - fl7a : 1.16
fl7a - ww : .25
ww - keil : 10.8
keil - dogwood : .17
dogwood - ww : .66
ww -53rd : .71 
total 29.76


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