Peterson recovery

Massive trillium

Ann was out of town and I wanted to recover after the tough time we had the previous week at Peterson. My achilles was really been bothering me, and I was worried about how painful this run would feel. I snagged an old 18 mile route starting from the Leif trailhead at Thurman-- that's where I start when I'm feeling particularly lazy because it's the closest to my house, and it's always nice to end on that downhill.

Headed somewhere off-trail

8-ft high stinging nettle selfie

The first 6 miles or so were tough. I really didn't think I was going to make it. I listened to podcasts and tried to ignore the various pains and twinges all over my body. Soon, though, something magical happened. I noticed how amazing the light was this morning. I saw new plants unfurling-- signs of spring that made me smile, look around, and pay less attention to myself and the physical.

Unfurling at the side of the trail

Deep magenta trillium on a leafy platter

And just like that-- the magic of running long-- I was immersed. I made a quick decision and some bad-running-math calculations, and added a couple of miles. Instead of coming back down Dogwood, I ran Wildwood to Aspen and came back to the trailhead along the road. Not even running on the road could dampen my spirits by then. I'm so glad I pushed on and and ended up having a good run.

Fiddleheads (in a sea of nettles)

All dried up, huh, Ann?

Tender fungus

Horses tethered on Aspen Rd

Start at Thurman
Leif - Maple (le 4.22): 4 mi
Maple (le 4.22) to Leif (6.44): 2.66 mi (6.66 total)
Leif (6.44) to Wiregate (le 7.13): .69 mi (7.35 total)
Wiregate (le 7.13) to ww (18.15): .31 mi (7.66 total)
ww (18.15) to Aspen (ww 6.36): 11.79 mi (19.45 total)
Aspen to road: .23 mi (19.68 total)

road to car: .1 mi (19.78 total)


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