Hills for Susan

It was Susan's week to come up with the running route, but she had a hot vegan date with Amber Friday night so I offered to come up with the route. She naively took me up on my offer. Since Susan "bonked" a few days ago on a hill on our epic Gorge Traill 400 run, I thought I would make this shorter 15 mile run hilly. One of her least favorite hills is Wildwood from Upper Macleay to the Pittock Mansion. Being the good friend I am, I had the run start on the other side of the Pittock, so we started and ended the run by running up to the Pittock Mansion. Well techincally the run ended by running downhill from the Pittock, but no one seemed to remember this. The route also included running up Aspen to Wildwood and up from the Stone House to Upper Macleay. After tackling these hills, Dana and Susan were threatening to trip me, I told them we only had 1 more 1/2 mile hill to get up to the Pittock. Well somehow I forgot about another hill before the hill I was talking about, luckily I was running faster than them, and they couldn't trip me. After we finished the last hill up to the Pittock, I said, "that wasn't so bad". Dana replied, "Fuck you, Ann!".

A reply like that means I planned an awesome route!

It's a woodpecker!

Uphill ladies!

Susan and Dana plotting against me.

Park at the Burnside trail head
Wildwood to Pittock .64
Pittock WW 3.6 - WW 10.0  : 6.4 (adding a short in and out to get miles)
WW10 - 9.5 Alder .5
Alder to Leif : .84
Leif to Aspen : 2
Aspen to WW : .25
 WW 6.43 - 5 Upper Macleay : 1.43
Upper Macleay to end : .81
Macleay to WW : .28
WW to Pittock : .66
Pittock to car : .64
total 14.45


  1. This made me _actually_ laugh out loud. It was a fun run, despite the extra "forgotten" half mile of hill.


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