Loop de oops

7 July 2012
Ann, Dana and I started extra-early for a 13 mile loop for Dana, and a 24 mile loop for Ann and me. Once we dropped down onto Leif from Springville, I was so enjoying the downhill and our conversation that when I noticed a mile marker, expecting to see a 5, I saw 4-- we had gone too far! The miles really do fly by with good company.
Early morning sunlight slanting through the trees

Luckily I had been up late studying the mileage charts, and my first attempt at making the correct-distance loops for us had yielded some substitutions. We did a quick talk through adjustments to our route, and it worked beautifully. As Dana's loop ended, Ann and I dropped down on Hardesty from Wildwood to Leif, where we took our food break and started on the second loop of our figure eight.
Massive trail-fixing machinery and a bonus portapotty mid-trail

  • Springville Rd to Leif (m9.37)-- .71mi
  • Leif (m9.37) to Leif (m4)-- 5.37mi (6.08 total) (Oops!)
  • Leif (m4) to Koenig (L4.57)-- .57mi (6.65mi total)
  • Koenig to WW (m14.23)-- .15mi (6.8mi total)
  • WW (m14.23) to Ridge (WW20.99)-- 6.76mi (13.56mi total)

Dana walks up Ridge for a cool-down (.72mi-- damn, that's long!)

  • WW (m20.99) to Hardesty (WW21.62)-- .63mi
  • Hardesty to Leif (m9.0)-- .27mi (.9mi total)
  • Leif (m9.0) to Canon (L11.17)-- 2.17mi (3.07mi total)
  • Canon to WW (m24.63)-- .32mi (3.39mi total)
  • WW to Newton (WW26.3)-- 1.67mi (5.06mi total)
  • Newton to Firelane 10-- .6mi (5.66mi total)
  • FL10 to WW (m25.43)-- .15mi (5.81mi total)
  • WW (m25.43) to Ridge (WW20.99)-- 4.44mi (10.25 mi total)
  • Ridge to Firelane 7-- .4mi (10.65mi total)
FL7 to parking-- .32mi COOL DOWN! (10.97mi total)

24.21mi grand total (w/o cool down)

Where Ridge and Firelane 7 connect-- We're DONE!


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