runner's high

Today Susan and I ran 17 miles on Wildwood, via the Hardesty trail (Springville trailhead). I wasn't really into the run when we first started out, it probably was a combination of not sleeping well because of Hood to Coast anxiety, more wine than water from the night before and running the day before. Luckily Bob ran the first 6 miles with us and kept us entertained with his stories, so I could just concentrate on running and waking up. By the time Bob left us I was feeling great, the feeling remained for the rest of the run. Somewhere around mile 11-12 we started talking about how we really wanted OJ and plotting on how we were going to get it and get Susan home in time for her appointment. Unfortunately by the time we made it to the car we didn't have time to stop for OJ, after I dropped her off I headed straight to New Seasons for the coveted juice.
When I was checking out at New Seasons' the cashier asked me how I was doing and I said, "good, no I am doing great!". He asked me why my day was so great, and I replied that I had just got done with an awesome run in Forest Park. He asked me how far I went, I told him and he perked up and told me that he use to run ultras in the Sierras when he lived in California. I walked out of New Seasons with a huge smile on my face. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I bought everything I needed at New Seasons besides OJ. Doh!


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