Peterson Ridge Rumble 2016
A pre-race view of the mountains This is the second year that Susan and I ran the Peterson Ridge Rumble 40 miler and the first time we ran a trail race more than once. Last year when we ran Peterson, we had a great day and finished the race in ~7 hours, I expected that we would finish the race in the same amount of time this year. Sadly I was wrong and we finished the race 50 minutes slower than the previous year. I beat myself up over this for several weeks after the race. The trail opens up to mountain views There were several reasons that we were slower this year. Last year we were training for Miwok 100k and Peterson Ridge was our last long run before Miwok, so we were more trained up than we were last year. This year was also one of the hottest years on record for Peterson Ridge, which definitely had an affect on me. I also had been dealing with an injury and had to take it easier than I would of liked for a few weeks. Oh, and the week before Peterson Ridge, Susan