Double turn-arounds

After a two-week break (I was in Chicago last week) from big distance, we were up for the longest run since our 50k on September 1st. I decided to take it easy and have us stay on Wildwood to reduce the heavy elevation changes going between Leif Erickson and Wildwood Trails.

It was chilly at the start, with cold rain making us doubt we had enough gear on. After we warmed up, the rain came and went, with a bit of heavy downpour and even sun breaking through (a good time to get out the camera). Then, just at our final mile (including the only real uphill), the rain picked up to monsoon-level, hitting us with tiny, stinging beads of hail and thoroughly drenching us. Ugh! It took me an hour to warm up again, but we are so fortunate that it happened at the end of our run, rather than right at the beginning.
The sun briefly appears and lights up the trail, before disappearing FOREVER

Springville trailhead to Firelane 7-- .13mi
FL7 to Oil Line-- .47mi (.6 total)
Oil Line to WW(19.45)-- .35mi (.95 total)
WW(19.45) to WW(17.5*)-- 1.95mi (2.9 total)

For Dana:
WW (17.5*) to Springville (22.49)-- 4.99mi (7.89 total)
Springville Rd to parking-- .33mi cooldown

Another glorious patch of sunlight in the deep, green forest

For Ann & Susan:
WW(17.5*) to WW(28*)-- 10.5mi (13.4 total)
WW(28*) to Hardesty (WW 21.65)-- 6.35mi (19.75 total)
Hardesty to car-- .29mi (20.04 total)

*The marker at mile 17 1/2 was without a number, so we accidentally went to 17 1/4 to turn around. Because of the extra half mile, Dana turned up Hardesty instead of Springville, and Ann & I turned around at the 27 3/4 mile marker instead of 28.


  1. Those photos are gorgeous, what a beautiful place to go for a run!


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