Does this run make me look hot?

Saturday was one of the hottest days of year so far in Portland and we decided to run 20 miles (12 for Dana). Luckily the shade of the tress helped keep us a little cooler, as did running next to Balch Creek.

Sign post at the Macleay parking area

We broke the run into 2 parts, the first part was 12 miles for Dana and the second part was 8 miles, so we could get our 20 miles in.  We started at the Macleay parking lot off NW Cornell and headed down Wildwood to Aspen, and looped around on Leif Erickson to Firelane 1 and back to Wildwood. The 2nd part of the run was a “simple” out and back on Wildwood between mile makers 5 and 1. Simple if you like running hills, which I do. That 4-mile stretch is probably the hilliest part of Wildwood, you run up to the Pittock and back down and then up to Washington Park and the Zoo, and then we had to turn around and do it again. We don’t run this section of Wildwood very much; it was nice to see everything in bloom at the Pittock and to have a bit of a scenery change. Even with the heat this 20 mile run felt a ton better than the jet lagged 23 miler the previous week. Every time the heat started to get to me I just thought, at least I am not running Western States in almost record setting temperatures.

Pittock Mansion

cute scooter at the Pittock

Archery at Washington Park

New shoes, time to get them dirty!

Run that hill!

wildwood (mm 5) - aspen: 1.43
aspen - leif : .75
leif - fl1: 3.10
fl1 - ww: .53
ww (11.20-5) car : 6.20
total: 12.01 (Dana)


an out and back on ww 5-1 total 8 - for 20 total.


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