Nike Women's Half Marathon

finisher's necklace

Months ago I was offered a free entry to the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco, so of course I took it. My ego wouldn't let me sign-up for the half, even though I never thought I would run another road marathon. I had every intention on running the full marathon, I mean I had been training for a marathon after all. But after getting to San Francisco and seeing all the crowds at the expo center I started to freak out a bit, I think I have gotten a bit spoiled by trail races where there are a few hundred runners not 30,000+. Then I decided that I would just run the half and enjoy my time hanging out with my sister and friends in San Francisco. 

start line

The race started super early at 6:30am, luckily I was staying at the hotel right across the street from the start. I got to the start line a few minutes before race started, it was cold, the music was pounding and I was surrounded by 30,000 other women (and a few men) who had trained for months for this moment. The energy level and excitement was contagious, I got caught up in the moment. I started jumping up and down and dancing with everyone else, all of a sudden I was super excited to run with all these people.

half marathon route - from my Nike+ app

The route starts in Union Square and travels along the waterfront and the Predidio and ending in Golden Gate Park. For a road race it is a really a beautiful course. There are a few little hills along the way, but nothing like the hills you normally think of when you think of San Francisco. I do have to say I did kill the hills, secretly it did get a bit of enjoyment passing all the people who were walking the hills, but that isn't what it is really about. 

Nike knows marketing which shows along the whole course, they did a great job with the aid stations and on course entertainment. There were ample photographers along the way, which you don't always get in a trail race. My favorite part was getting the Tiffany's necklace instead of a medal. 

Overall I think this is a great road race, the price is pretty high but you get to run in San Francisco with a lot of other women and you get a Tiffany necklace at the end, it is truly a unique experience. 


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