Pre-fatigue 10

Ann needed to run Sunday this week, so we decided to run 10 miles in order to pre-fatigue-- but not over-fatigue-- before our day-off run on Monday. Luckily, Anna posted on our running group that she was looking to run 10 miles on Sunday, so we joined forces. 

Not pictured here are Sara and Dana, who also joined us but took a different route back. It was so good to run with these awesome women and trade some stories. Hopefully they won't hold this hilly route against me...

A blurry photo of Susan, Anna, Ann & Sally, taken by a kind stranger

Start at Springville trailhead.

  • Springville to Trillium-- .13 mi
  • Trillium to WW (18.57)-- .25 mi
  • WW (18.57) to FL5 (16.69)-- 1.88 mi
  • FL5 to Leif (6.58)-- .23 mi
  • Leif (6.58) to Maple (le 6.44)-- .14 mi
  • Maple to Saltzman-- 1.18 mi
  • Saltman to Leif (6.20)-- .83 mi
  • Leif (6.20) to Gas Line/FL7A  (8.03)-- 1.83 mi
  • Gas Line to WW (19.96)-- .28 mi
  • WW (19.96) to Springville (ww 22.49)-- 2.53 mi
  • Springville to car-- .33mi

Total 9.61


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