24 mile taper run

Susan at the top of Saltzman

Susan said to me don't you think we should taper for our 50k next week? I think I said something like sure we can run 24 miles instead of 26 miles. After running 50 miles 3 different times this year I really wasn't worried about tapering for a 50k. I also knew in the weeks after the 50k I would be traveling a lot for work and would miss several weekends of long runs, so I wanted to get in runs when I could.  

We have been reusing routes in our blogs in the previous weeks and when I looked up 24 mile routes, I was uninspired. So I came up with a new route, besides running down Firelane 4 and getting soaked by all the plants covering the trail, I really enjoyed the variety of the route. I am not sure Susan enjoyed running 3 miles up Saltzman, but I secretly enjoyed making her do it. 


birch - ww : .22
ww - chestnut (7.5 - 12.33) : 4.83 
chestnut - leif : .49
leif - maple : .79
maple - fl4 : .97
fl4 - saltzman : .34
saltzman - skyline : 2.95
saltzman - leif : 1.62 
leif - maple : .23
maple - fl4 : 1.76
fl4 - leif : .21
leif - nature : 1.75
nature - ww : .28
ww - aspen : 5
apsen - road : .23
road - leif : .5
leif - wild cherry : .26
wc - ww : .56
ww - birch : .39
birch - 53 : .22
total 23.6


  1. It wasn't so secret (see the look on my face in the photo?).


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