
Most of our recent runs have started at one of the trailheads on NW 53rd, which is convenient since it is close to my house and cuts down on travel time and gives us more time to run. This week I decided to start our route from the Springville trailhead, to give us a change of scenery. 

Mt. Hood from Firelane 7A

Right off the bat we took a wrong turn going down Springville instead of Firelane 7, once we hit Wildwood we decided to head to Firelane 7A and readjust the route at the end. We headed down 7A to Leif, but it wasn't obvious where 7A continued on the other side of Leif. We ran back and forth on Leif looking for the trail and finally decided to head down what appeared to be an overgrown trail without a trail sign. The trail ran parallel with wire gate for while, making us feel like we were in the tv show Lost. We got some good views of Portland and Mt. Hood, it wasn't until we made it to the end of the trail that we knew we were on the right trail, only because there was a trail sign. 

Firelane 7A
Firelane 7A

We had a to run along NW Bridge Rd for about half a mile before we headed up Ridge trail, which if you aren't looking closely you could miss the trail sign. The trail heads up stairs instead of a trail, but you aren't on the pavement very long before you hit the trail. Just like Firelane 7A we got some great view from Ridge. 

St. John's Bridge from Ridge Trail

All of this confusion was in the first 6 miles of our ~24 mile route. Luckily, we stayed on route for the rest of the run. We did ended up doing an out and back on Wildwood between Springville and Ridge, instead of the Wildwood to Leif loop in the original route, to shave off a few miles, since we added on miles at the start with our route mix-up. 

After all the snow and ice the last few weeks and this crazy route, I am looking forward to a straightforward route next weekend.

Start Springville parking lot
Firelane 7 - Trillium: .18
L Trillium - WW: .25
R WW - FL7A: .25
R FL7A - Leif: .25
R Leif - FL7A: .14
L FL7A - NW Bridge Rd. : .70
L NW Bridge - Ridge. : .50
L Ridge - Leif: .60
R Leif - Cannon: 2.73
L Cannon - WW: .32
R WW - FL 15: 3.74
R FL15 - FL12: .37
R FL12 - BPS: .51
R BPA - WW: .26
L WW - Newton: 1.15
R Newton - Parking lot: .60
FL10 - WW: .15
R WW - Ridge: 4.09
R Ridge - Leif: .34
R Leif - Wiregate: 1.24
R Wiregate - WW: .34
R WW - Springville: 4.29
L Springville - Car: .34
Total: 23.31 


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