Run more than Ann

My co-workers decided to create a challenge to see if they could collectively run more than me in a week. I consistently run 50 miles a week, but I thought for the challenge I should add a few more miles. Since most of my co-workers are Canadian and the challenge is in kilometers, I decided 100km was a nice number and archivable in a week. Doing some math, I decide to make this work I should probably run 30 miles / ~50km for my long run on Saturday. I texted Susan and of course she was game. 

I decided to create a new route for us instead of doing an end to end on Wildwood. This also helps me achieve my goal of create 1 new route each month this year, even if I am a few weeks behind in posting it. The route was also good training for the Gorge Waterfall 50km in April, since we were both gone several weekends in March. 

I just knew I was going to beat my co-workers, but what I didn't know is they got a few extra people to join the cause right before the weekend. They even created a slack channel and an emoji for this. The tally on Monday was 8 people vs. me, they had ~135km and I had 101km. Not sure I could have pulled off another 35km in that week, but who knows. Next time. 


Holman - WW : .76
WW- Aspen: .43
Aspen - Road: .32
Road - Leif: .50
Leif - Wild Cherry: .26
WC - Dogwood: .87
Dogwood - WW: .66
WW - Firelane 1: 2.71
FL1 - Leif: .53
Leif - Nature: .28
Nature - WW: 1
WW - Maple: 2.03
Maple - Leif (end of Maple): 3.55
Leif - Wiregate: .68
Wiregate - WW: .31
WW - Trillium: .36
Trillium - FL7/Oil line: .25
FL7 - WW: .83
WW - FL5: 2.73
Top of FL5 - Saltzman: .87
Saltzman - WW: 1.20
WW - Nature: 4.10
Nature - Leif: .28
Leif - Alder: 1.9
Alder - WW: .84
WW - Birch: 1.94
Birch - Car: .25
Total 30.44


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