2015 Runner's Highs

Only some of my 2015 trail shoes

I wasn't sure we would be able to top all our running adventures and achievements in 2014 but somehow 2015 was even more amazing than the previous year. We ran farther (100k), circumnavigated 3 mountains, did our first multi-day run, and had a lot of support and involvement from our families. 

One thing that became more apparent this year is we really prefer doing our own self-supported adventure runs versus racing. Races are great for new distances or for getting to run in areas that would be hard for us to do on our own. I love planning routes but more than that we just love spending the day together running in the Cascades

Also after years of trying to get girlsgonewildwood.com we finally got it! 
My favorite picture of us from 2015

Selfie with Mt. Rainier

Celebrating after we crossed Eliot 

  • Favorite shoes: Brooks PureGrit 3
  • Best support crew: Gretchen and John. We would never have been able to do Miwok without Gretchen, and Mt. Rainier would of been impossible without John.

Finishing Peterson Ridge Rumble

Michigan selfie

First van exchange with first-timer family/team members: Erik, Gretchen and Noel

Previous year recaps:


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